Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Life is hectic. When you have 4 kiddos between the ages of 11 and 14, it is VERY hectic. Between school activities, church activities and family activities, there is very rarely down time. Recently on Pinterest I found the above quote. It was like getting punched in the gut. Seriously.

There have been so many times when the kids have said "Hey mom!" and I have replied in a minute, and then never asked them what they wanted. I'm not proud of it, I'm just stating a fact. There have been other times when I have stopped everything to listen to one of their silly stories. The quote made me realize I need to stop more and not ask them to give me a minute.

As I am writing this, The Informant is sitting next to me talking about her day at school. She is showing me the apps on her iPad, and her graded posts on Edmodo. I could tell her to hold on while I finish typing, but I keep stopping to pay attention to her. As she grows older I want her to continue to talk to me. I want her to continue to share with me. I want her to know that she is more important than what I am typing.

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