...is all grown up. I was shocked to see how much he had matured in 9 short weeks away from home. I know the military requires one to grow and mature quickly as I've been there, but to see my sweet boy being so grown up tugged at my heart. Maybe it's because it doesn't seem possible that he is already grown and it seems like just yesterday he was the sweet faced 9 year old who told tall tales about his life in Germany as a toddler. Maybe it's because he looked so much like his daddy that it took me back 18 years to when he was the chubby faced little blonde baby I've only seen in pictures. Or, maybe it was because in the middle of our time together he looked at me and almost in tears asked me to just make a tough decision for him so he wouldn't have to.
What I do know is that I am so proud of him. For making a life choice and sticking with it despite opposition. For being the best soldier he can be even when he is tired. For following the drill sergeants instructions even when they don't make sense. For making even more life choices knowing the whole list of consequences. For being brave enough and strong enough to fight for his country that he loves. For realizing that there will always be hard decisions to make and that he can always ask his parents. For remembering how important faith is and attending church even when no one he "knows" is watching. For so many other things.
In 31 days he will go through a ceremony and receive his Infantry cord, and in 32 days he will graduate from his training and be an Infantryman. We aren't 100% sure what will immediately follow that. He doesn't have orders to a specific post yet, but that's okay. We will take the next steps like we have taken the first....with prayer and believing that God is in control.
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