are some thoughts that need to be out in the open for discussion. Sometimes things get stuck in there and I worry them until I feel like I need the opinions of others or I will go crazy. Sometimes seeing the words in print helps more than anything, but I truly do want to know what others think.
My nature is to be pleasant most of the time. I genuinely like people and want them to like me too. There are times that I can get irate, and unfortunately I haven't quite learned how to control my facial features when this happens. I also have a very black & white sense of right and wrong. I have a hard time seeing gray areas, and I don't necessarily think that is a bad thing. I think part of that is being an oldest child, but the majority is my past. I need to get over it, but some things are harder than others to reconcile.
I am a giver and I truly believe that if someone has a need I can fulfill then it is my job to fill it. I love to see people smile when a need is fulfilled. I love the peace that fills my heart when I know I have met a need. It's just who I am and I wouldn't want that to ever change.
Here's my "worry" though....I have a hard time understanding why others aren't the same way. I know that we are all made differently, but shouldn't we all have that same sense of meeting the needs of others? Even before I was a Christ follower I was this way, and the "gift" has only intensified in the 10 years sense. So, why aren't others the same? And more specifically, why aren't other Christ followers the same? I know that we all have differnt spiritual gifts, but Christ calls us all to give. Why does that seem so hard for some?
And even more than this, why aren't more people aware of the need to give to those who aren't Christ followers? And I guess this is the center of my thought....why don't people care more for those they know don't have Christ? Isn't that what our great commission is? Isn't that why we were created? Why can we call the sick church member who claims Christ, but not the unsaved spouse when they are sick? Am I crazy for even asking that? I don't think so.
So what this boils down too I think is that I don't understand the quick response to those who claim Christ, and the lukewarm response to those who don't.
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