Saturday, February 28, 2009

I Survived!

My son got his learner's permit this week! He will be 16 next week and has never been that interested in driving until recently. Today he drove his mama to his quiz about 10 miles the rain! I must say that he did an excellent job for a kid that hasn't seen any drive time! I am very proud of him. I know that he will get plenty of practice since I don''t like to drive so much. I only do it out of necessity.

Like his mama and dad he LOVES fast cars! We talk constantly about getting something and fixing it up for him. He of course knows that he has to finance the 'additions' but he is ok with that. So I guess during spring break in a couple weeks we will be car shopping. I hope that he can find something for a decent price that he likes.

In other news.....I resigned from my job this week. My last day is March 6th. SOme of you will probably think I am insane to quit my job in the middle of a recession, but honestly I feel total and complete peace about it. Of course I didn't make the decision by myself. My husband and I prayed a lot about it and we know that this is the right move to make right now. My kiddos need their mama at home. That probably seems cheesy, but it is oh so true, I feel blessed not only to be able to do this, but to know that I am able to grant them this desire makes my heart feel full.

I loved my job btw, it is not an easy decision to make at all.

Well, I better get my day started. I know it's been 2 weeks since I wrote on here, but for some reason I do believe I will have more time soon! LOL!!!

Have a beautiful day!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day!

Today is Valentine's Day....a day set aside for love. Now honestly, I don't think that we need a special day for people to tell each other they love them because if you really love someone they pretty much know it....or at least they should. I will not deny that I enjoy getting presents though! :) And I usually get a dinner out with my husband, sans children, which is nice.

This Valentine's Day, my husband got me the sweetest card. It almost made me cry! I think he is getting sentimental in his old age! He also got me a Wii Fit! I am so excited about this! Now I know that there a few of you out there who think this is crazy, but I really am excited! I just spent an hour "playing" on my new toy! I have it all set up, and I hope to really lose weight and get healthier with it! Maybe that is true love...when your spouse can get you a piece of exercise equipment and it excites you! LOL!

Anyway, single, dating, married or whatever your status, I hope that you have a great day filled with love!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Hello Friends

Hello! This is my first blog EVER! Cool huh?! Anyway, I have a good friend that does this blogging thing and I love to read it. So, I thought to myself, Self, You can do that! So yesterday I set up this blog. Now, like anything I am sure it will improve as I become more comfortable with it and as I learn the ropes, but for this first post I think I am doing ok!

I LOVE to talk! I like to get to know people and to have people get to know me. Somedays there is so much going on inside my brain that I feel like it will explode. So, one of my reasons for starting this blog is to get some of the 'stuff' out of my brain! One of my favorite topics of conversation is my children! I love to tell people how great they are...all 5 of them! So, this will give me an opportunity to brag on them a little!

My second favorite topic of conversation is scrapbooking! I LOVE IT! I am currently setting up my own business centered around scrapbooking and I am really excited about it. As soon as I get the website set up and the details lined out I will write more about this. Honestly though, I love to take pictures and then scrap them! I liek to see my craftiness at work! It is not only something to be proud of, but it is something that relaxes me.

I hope you enjoy reading this and getting to know more about my family and me. I am excited about this "new" thing and hope to meet tons of people who have the same interests I do!

Bye for now!