Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day!

Today is Valentine's Day....a day set aside for love. Now honestly, I don't think that we need a special day for people to tell each other they love them because if you really love someone they pretty much know it....or at least they should. I will not deny that I enjoy getting presents though! :) And I usually get a dinner out with my husband, sans children, which is nice.

This Valentine's Day, my husband got me the sweetest card. It almost made me cry! I think he is getting sentimental in his old age! He also got me a Wii Fit! I am so excited about this! Now I know that there a few of you out there who think this is crazy, but I really am excited! I just spent an hour "playing" on my new toy! I have it all set up, and I hope to really lose weight and get healthier with it! Maybe that is true love...when your spouse can get you a piece of exercise equipment and it excites you! LOL!

Anyway, single, dating, married or whatever your status, I hope that you have a great day filled with love!

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