Monday, January 23, 2012

Something to Think About

As life has unfolded the past few weeks, I have been doing a lot of thinking. There are so many things going on at the moment that I'm surprised I have time to make cohesive thoughts, but that's the way life is sometimes. The biggest recurring thought recently is this: when we pray for our children, are we praying for their future spouses?

This is a topic that may seem off for a mom with children the age of mine, but it's one I think all parents should spend time on. When I pray for my children I pray for the man or woman God has for them. I pray that they will be discerning in their choices of boyfriends and girlfriends, and that they will always trust God when he says not this one. I pray that God will place the person in their path that will love them the way He does. The one that will love them unconditionally, for their whole lives. I also pray that each one of my children will be so immersed in their faith that they will know when that person crosses their path.

I also pray that I will be able to help guide them in their choices. I pray that while they are still in my home that we will be able to have honest open discussions about what kind of people they should be dating. I also pray that they will listen with open hearts and minds when I do not approve of someone they are dating. I pray that when I don't approve I will be able to give solid, unemotional answers to why.

I want to have the guts to know when to say no, and I want my kids to have the guts to trust me when I say no. Maybe I'm asking too much, and maybe I'm not.

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