Friday, February 18, 2011

When we judge...

I think God should immediately allow us to feel what is going on with that person emotionally, physically & spiritually. Just a quick glimpse so that we can feel what they are feeling, good or bad. I think this would cause us to judge less and love more. This thought comes from much thought over a recent incident in my own life. I wonder if things would have happened differently had the person judging been able to feel what I was feeling right then. Am I saying that feelings should outweigh behavior, absolutely not. What I am saying is that sometimes our behaviors are the result of our feelings. How much more sensitive would we be to others if we knew that we would feel what they are feeling? Would we be more willing to just love them in spite of our opinion of them? Or would we judge just to get the gossip fodder? I would like to believe that we would love more. I think it would make us more sensitive to the differences between ourselves and others. I think we would be more accepting of those differences and would work better as a community. Isn't that what we are called to? To be an accepting and loving community?

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