Thursday, August 6, 2009

Long Time No Type...

So, a friend informed me today that I hadn't posted on here in forever, so I thought I would try to catch you all up on the Stout house! In looking back, I haven't posted since April!! That was 4 months ago! Do you know how much has happened since April?! Of course not, because I haven't been writing here! LOL!Okay, first things first....It was a busy summer! The kids all went to their prospective church camps at some point over the past eight week, and they all thoroughly enjoyed themselves! Jr had football every day of summer except teh weekends, and then today he quit the team. I could be upset with him, but honestly, he is following his heart and being obedient to God, and I want that for him more than anything.The kids went back to school this past Monday so life has sped up once again. I have a Junior, a 6th grader, two 5th graders and a 3rd grader. Could life be any better? Probably not. They all seem to be adjusting well and enjoying their teachers, and that is a good thing. The busy homework hasn't started yet, but I'm sure it won't be long. My business is taking off slowly but surely. There are a few things I am still tweaking, and I hope to make a profit soon. In addition to my website, I have made a page on Facebook, and I intend to get started marketing elsewhere soon too. I want this to work on so many levels! Mostly just to prove to myself that I can do it, but also to make some spending money and have fun doing it!Okay Crazy, I've posted....hope you read this and get a chuckle. I'll try harder to post something every other day or so from now on!Later Taters!

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